Hello students! My name is Wayne! Wayne the Crane to be exact. For the first time in a while, the village of Hooville experienced a dry spring and what seemed like to be a dry summer as well. Many of my animal friends has been suffering thoughout the village. Unfortunately, the dry weather plagued all the fish that lived in each pond in Whoville. Whoville is a beautiful colorful place where everything is vibrant and full of love!
One early summer morning I was flying through the village of Whoville. I noticed all of the ponds were nearly dry. It really broke my heart to see the village in such bad shape. I remember Whoville was a wonderful place to create memories for many families. I used to see families set up campers, play volley ball, kickball, and baseball. The Whoville Park used to be filled with families barbecuing, playing in the park and fishing in the pond too. These days, you will not see much but a few dead animals and dry ponds. Many of my friends have already died. I lost my friend Kermit the frog and Puma. It was so sad!
I was struggling myself in the scorching heat and dry weather. I had to fly many miles to get some water that is actually drinkable. Sometimes, I would try to bring some water back for may animal friends. Unfortunately, by the time I got back to Whoville the water was almost gone every time. Also, in result of the drought food had been a little scarce too! Here is a poem that I wrote about my experience with my fish friends!
One Fish
Two Fish
Pink Fish
Red Fish
Black Fish
Green Fish
Big Fish
Small Fish
Hm! This Fish needs water
This Fish needs a bath
Say! Let me take you to a pond
To feel the waters' raft!
How will you get me there?
A Crane carrying a Fish is rare.
I will take
One Fish
Two Fish
Pink Fish
Red Fish
In my bill for heaven's sake!
I know of a pond
The water is high not low
It is somewhere safe to go
I do not believe you
A Fish in a Crane's bill does not make sense
It sounds like a Crane's
Perfect wish!
I will not eat you.
I will bring you to the pond
And bring you back
To tell the others too.
Off went the Crane with
One Fish
Two Fish
Three Fish
Whoops! They are gone!
The Crane's stomach was full
All the Fish made him drool
He flew back to find more
He found a Crab on the shore
The Crab said
Where did all the fish go?
Those are my friends
I need to know!
I took them to a nearby pond
Do you want to go?
You can hop on my back
We will be there in a snap
On the Crane's back
He held on tight
Off went the Cranes head
There was nothing else to be done
or said !
The Crane's dead body
lay on a fish bone bed.
Authors Note: I really liked this Jataka Tale. I wrote an introduction to the poem so the audience can have a background story to the poem. I wrote it from the point of view of the Crane because the crane is the main character in the original story. I kept the plot the same. However, I changed the way that the crane took the fish to the pond. For some reason when I was reading the story I could not picture the Crane taking the fish on his back. So, in my retelling of the story I decided to make the Crane carry the Fish in his bill. I came up with the idea of doing a Dr.Seuss theme because of the Fish situation in the story. When I was reading, the Crane said in the original story that he would take each fish to the pond. As soon as I read that part, I started thinking "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish." At that point, I had to do a Dr.Seuss theme!
I enjoyed re-writing this childhood story. I wanted to incorporate this in my portfolio because I wanted to take a break from my Chocolaty stories. I wanted to see hoe else I could unitize my creativity. I consider this poem a commercial break from he Chocolaty stories!